Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 13: Violence Prevention

Student Web Activities Lesson 2: Keeping Schools Safe

This lesson addresses problems of violence on school campuses. One form of school violence that occurs in practically every school is bullying. You can learn more about what bullying is and what you can do about it at this Web site.

Links to Explore:
National Youth Violence Prevention: Bullying


    • Click on the link and read the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center page on bullying.
    • Then answer the following questions.

Define bullying.
How many American teens are estimated to be involved in bullying, either as a bully, a target of bullying, or both?
Name two forms of indirect bullying.
By the age of 24, how many bullies acquire a criminal record?
Name three things you can do if you witness someone else being bullied.
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