Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 19: Prenatal Development and Birth

Prenatal Development and Birth

What is the first thing that happens after an ovum is fertilized?
A)It begins to divide.
B)It attaches to the uterine wall.
C)It becomes an embryo.
D)It develops an umbilical cord.
When is a fetus's cardiovascular system first fully functional?
A)0-4 weeks
B)3-8 weeks
C)15-20 weeks
D)29-40 weeks
At what point during a pregnancy does the fetus begin kicking?
A)9-14 weeks
B)15-20 weeks
C)21-28 weeks
D)29-40 weeks
Why do pregnant females need to consume calcium?
A)It helps form muscle in the fetus.
B)It makes red blood cells.
C)It helps the nervous system of the fetus.
D)It helps the fetus develop a healthy heart rhythm.
Which statement about fetal alcohol syndrome is false?
A)It causes birth defects.
B)It is entirely preventable.
C)It can affect a child's entire life.
D)It is caused only by large amounts of alcohol.
Use of illegal drugs during pregnancy can cause
A)birth defects.
B)premature labor.
C)an addicted baby.
D)all of the above.
Which environmental hazard exposes pregnant women to a parasite?
A)Lead paint
B)Smog and pollution
C)Radiation from x-rays
D)Cat litter boxes
Which genetic disorder is characterized by damage to the nervous system?
A)Sickle-cell anemia
B)Tay-Sachs disease
C)Cystic fibrosis
At what age do children generally begin to desire independence?
A)Birth to 1 year
B)1 to 3 years
C)4 to 6 years
D)7 to 12 years
What is the developmental task of middle childhood?
A)to develop trust
B)to do tasks for oneself
C)to develop responsibility
D)to develop an interest in performing activities
Health 2007 Florida Edition
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