Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 20: Adolescence and the Life Cycle

Student Web Activities Lesson 2: Moving Towards Adulthood

In this lesson, you learned about emotional maturity and developing personal independence. Choosing an occupation is just as important in becoming a self-sufficient adult. At this Web site, you can find out about what job sectors are most likely to grow between now and 2012, as well as which careers may be the most lucrative.

Links to Explore:
Tomorrow’s Jobs


    • Click on the link and read the article.
    • Answer the following questions.

According to the Web page, making informed career decisions requires reliable information about opportunities in the future. What are the key factors that opportunities result from?
According to information listed after Chart 2, the number of men and women in the labor force will grow in the future. Between 2002 and 2012, will men compose a larger or smaller percentage of the labor force? What about women? Overall, will men or women comprise the larger sector of the workforce?
According to Chart 4, which industry supersector will grow faster and add more jobs than any other between the years 2002 and 2012?
According to information listed after Chart 4, pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing is expected to grow by 23.2 percent and add 68,000 jobs through 2012. Why?
In that same section, which occupations are expected to grow fastest over the projected period?
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