Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 21: Tobacco

Student Web Activities Lesson 1: The Effects of Tobacco Use

The tobacco industry makes billions of dollars annually. In order to maintain this profitability, they need to create more than half a million teen addicts every year. In this lesson, you learned some of the harmful short- and long-term effects of teen tobacco use. This Web site can tell you more about the adverse health effects of smoking and the extensive efforts tobacco companies make to market their products.

Links to Explore:
Campaign for Tobacco-Free-Kids: Research Center Fact sheets

Go to the Web site and click on the links for the following fact sheets:

    • Tobacco Use Among Youth
    • Tobacco Harm to Kids
    • When you have read these fact sheets, answer these questions.

What percentage of adult smokers started by the age of 18?
When a teen is experimenting with cigarettes, how soon can addiction set in?
How much money do tobacco companies spend every day to market cigarettes?
Which is more likely to influence a teen to smoke: cigarette marketing or peer pressure?
How many current teen smokers will die prematurely from smoking related illnesses?
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