Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 26: Noncommunicable Diseases and Disabilities

Student Web Activities Lesson 4: Physical and Mental Challenges

Throughout your life, you will encounter people at school, at work, and in your social life who are living with disabilities such as hearing impairment, AD/HD, or mental challenges. Understanding these challenges will help you effectively and respectfully relate to the people around you. One mental disability that is becoming increasingly common is autism, a disorder that is characterized by difficulty with social interaction, among other symptoms. At the Web site below, you can learn more about this disorder.

Links to Explore:
Autism Society of America: Understanding Autism


    • Click on the link and read the “What is Autism” page.
    • Then answer these questions.

What is autism?
At what age do most people become autistic?
What are pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)?
How common is autism?
Name three common myths or misconceptions about autism.
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