Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 28: First Aid and Emergencies

Student Web Activities Lesson 2: CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking

How would you react to a life-threatening emergency? In this lesson, you learned how to prepare for just such a situation. Get more in-depth information at the American Heart Association Web site.

Links to Explore:
The Links in the Chain of Survival


    • Click on the link and read the instruction on the Chain of Survival.
    • Then answer these questions.

The Chain of Survival was developed to treat victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Who else can benefit from the chain?
When you call 911, the dispatcher will initially ask you a series of questions. What additional information should you give them?
What does CPR do?
If a 911 dispatcher is giving you voice directions on how to care for a victim while you wait for emergency personnel to arrive, and the victim vomits or another unexpected complication arises, what should you do?
Who hangs up first—the 911 dispatcher or you?
Who provides Advanced Care?
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