Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 3: Being a Health-Literate Consumer

Being a Health—Literate Consumer

Which is NOT an external factor that influences consumers?
A)Personal taste
D)Friends' opinions
Which is the message hidden in the bandwagon advertising technique?
A)"It's too good a deal to pass up."
B)"It will make you feel rich and famous."
C)"Everyone is using it; so you should."
D)"The product will add fun to your life."
Which is NOT a factor to consider when comparison shopping?
A)Product's cost
B)Product's quality
C)Product's advertising
D)Product's ingredients
Online shopping provides everything except
A)lower prices.
B)ability to test a product.
D)product information.
Which health care facility would you need if you were in a car accident?
A)Private practice
B)Urgent care center
C)Neighborhood clinic
D)Emergency room
Which information is NOT included in your medical history?
A)information about immunizations
B)your health habits
C)your family's health history
D)your insurance plan
Which is an example of health fraud?
A)a prescription from your doctor
B)a cream that promises to cure warts overnight
C)an expensive skin cream made from natural ingredients
D)a pill that relieves pain for hours
Which group would you write to if your doctor made your health condition worse?
A)Better Business Bureau
B)Consumers Union
C)Food and Drug Administration
D)American Medical Association
Which government agency is concerned about workers' health?
A)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration
B)Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
C)Occupational Safety and Health Administration
D)Environmental Protection Agency
Which is a way teens can advocate public health?
A)forgetting to get immunized
B)ignoring instructions on a medicine container
C)running in a race that benefits cancer victims
D)driving without a license
Health 2007 Florida Edition
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