Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 9: Mental and Emotional Problems

Student Web Activities Lesson 1: Mental Disorders

Many people harbor the false belief that mental disorders demonstrate personality flaws or weak character. In this chapter you’ve learned that they are really diseases, often with biological or biochemical causes. By following the link below, you can learn more about common disorders.

Links to Explore:
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


    • Click on the National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and read about PTSD in children and teens.
    • Then answer the following questions based on what you’ve read:

Name three events that might trigger PTSD.
Do all people who experience traumatic events develop PTSD?
What three factors increase the possibility that children will develop PSTD?
Can PSTD be treated? If so, what approach does the Web site cite as being most effective?
What specific techniques might a health care professional use while treating a child or teen for PTSD?
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