Glencoe Health

Chapter 27: First Aid and Emergencies

Student Web Activities Lesson 4: Weather Emergencies and Natural Disasters

During a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or an earthquake, you may need to survive in your home without power or running water for days or even weeks. By planning ahead, you can make sure that your family has enough food and water stored to keep you healthy during and after a natural disaster. Visit this Web site to learn more.

Links to Explore:
Food and Water in an Emergency


  • Click on the link and read the information.
  • Then answer these questions.

How much water should you keep stored in case of emergency?
How can you minimize the water your body needs if water rations are running low?
How can you minimize the water your body needs if water rations are running low?
What is the safest method for treating water?
Should water be rationed in an emergency? What about food?
How long can you safely eat food from your freezer if the electricity is off?
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