Glencoe Science Level Red

Chapter 13: Oceans

Section 3 Self-Check Quiz-Eng.

The height of an ocean wave is affected by all of the following EXCEPT the __________.
A)wind velocity
B)temperature of the wind
C)length of time the wind blows
D)distance over which the wind blows
Which of the following is NOT true of offshore ocean waves?
A)Floating objects rise and fall with the wave but do not move forward.
B)Floating objects and water particles move forward.
C)The energy of the wave continues to move forward.
D)The water particles remain in the same place.
Tides are caused by __________.
A)the rise and fall of water
B)changes in ocean salinity
C)strong winds
D)the gravitational attraction of the Sun and the Moon
Shoreline erosion can be a result of all of the following EXCEPT __________.
A)density currents
C)longshore currents
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