Glencoe World History © 2012 Georgia Edition

Chapter 19: Industrialization and Nationalism, 1800-1870

Web Activity Lesson Plans

The Empire of Queen Victoria


The reign of Queen Victoria was a period of considerable social, economic, and political change for Great Britain. In this activity students will read about Victoria and the changing nature of Great Britain during her reign.

Lesson Description
Students will go to a Web site about the reign of Queen Victoria. Students will read about Victoria's life and reign and answer four questions about what they have read. Students will then rank Victoria's influence on four important elements of the Victorian era. Students will explain their rankings in writing.

Instructional Objectives
The learner will be able to discuss the life of Queen Victoria.
The learner will be able to rank important developments during Queen Victoria's reign in terms of their historical significance.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. She was only eighteen when she succeeded her uncle to the throne, and her reign lasted for almost sixty–four years.

  2. As Britain was evolving into a constitutional monarchy, the sovereign's powers became largely moral and symbolic. Therefore, Victoria had very few powers. However, she was still highly influential.

  3. Albert, her primary adviser, taught her how to be a ruler in a constitutional monarchy where the monarch had very few powers but could use much influence.

  4. After Albert's death, Victoria became depressed and went into seclusion, avoiding public appearances for years.

  5. Students' rankings will vary but should include historical information to support the rankings.

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