Glencoe World History © 2012 Georgia Edition

Chapter 8: The Asian World, 400-1500

Student Web Activity

Kublai Khan’s China

Because the Mongols used force to gain power, it would be natural to assume that they relied primarily on force to rule. In this activity you will discover otherwise by reading about the policies and projects of Kublai Khan.

Destination Title: The Mongol Dynasty: When Kublai Khan Ruled China

Note: Clicking on the link above will launch a new browser window. Need help using your browser for this activity? Click here for tips.


  • Create a two-column chart on a sheet of paper.
  • Read the information on the Web site.
  • As you read, list 10 of Kublai Khan's policies and projects as ruler of China in the first column of the chart. You will return to this list later.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions.

What was the name of Kublai Khan’s dynasty, and what did it mean?
How did Kublai Khan treat subjects who were poor?
How did Kublai Khan change the tax system, and what was his reasoning behind fair laws?
How did Kublai Khan’s communication system function?
Return to your list of 10 of Kublai Khan's policies and projects. In the second column, indicate whether each policy or project seems designed primarily to benefit Kublai Khan or his subjects. For each policy or project, write one to two sentences supporting your answer.
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