Glencoe World History © 2012 Georgia Edition

Chapter 9: Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire, 400-1300

Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire

Which of the following statements about Clovis is correct?
A)He formed the first Germanic state.
B)He ruled the Ostrogoth kingdom.
C)He was the first Germanic ruler to convert to Christianity.
D)His sons enlarged the Frankish kingdom after his death.
Unlike Roman law, Germanic law _____.
A)sometimes required a person to compensate his or her victim
B)was based on Christian teachings
C)did not involve ordeals
D)treated murder as a crime against the state
_____ used the monastic movement to convert the non-Christian peoples of Germanic Europe to Christianity.
B)Gregory I
At its height, the empire established by Charlemagne _____.
A)included much of western and central Europe
B)restored the Frankish kingdom to the size it was under Clovis
C)included much of eastern Europe
D)was larger than the empire created by Napoleon Bonaparte
Which of the following was true about feudal Europe?
A)Leaders swore an oath of allegiance to the pope.
B)Men who served a lord in a military capacity were known as vassals.
C)Lords relied mainly on foot soldiers dressed in coats of armor.
D)Lords did not have any responsibility toward their vassals.
Which of the following influenced the development of the concept of chivalry?
A)the Catholic Church
B)Viking culture
C)feudal warfare
D)Germanic law
By expanding the power of the royal courts, King _____ enhanced the power of the English monarchy.
C)Philip II Augustus
D)Henry II
By gaining control of territory after war with English rulers, _____ expanded the income of the French monarchy and increased its power.
A)William of Normandy
B)Hugh Capet
C)Philip II Augustus
D)Philip the Fair
Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Byzantine Empire?
A)Greek language
B)Christian faith
C)absolute power of the emperor
D)continual struggle between the emperor and patriarch
The first crusaders were motivated mostly by _____.
A)opportunities to claim territory
B)a desire for adventure
C)trading opportunities
D)religious fervor
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