Glencoe World History © 2012 Georgia Edition

Chapter 24: The West Between the Wars, 1919-1939

Student Web Activity


After World War I, European democracy was under threat. France and Britain remained democratic, but a new kind of dictatorship emerged in Italy with Mussolini's Fascist state. In this activity, you will learn more about the characteristics of fascism, and how it arose in Italy .

Destination Title: What Is Fascism?

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  • Read the information on the Web site.
  • Take notes as you read.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions.

What is fascism based on? What does it reject?
Beginning in the 1970s, historians and political scientists have identified three common features of fascist states. What are they?
In addition to rejecting conservatism, what other doctrines do fascist movements oppose?
What was the purpose of "political rituals" such as huge rallies?
Draw a poster or some type of graphic organizer propaganda tool to summarize the methods Mussolini used to create a Fascist dictatorship in Italy.
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