Glencoe World History © 2012 Georgia Edition

Chapter 28: The Contemporary Western World, 1970 - Present

The Contemporary Western World

The Brezhnev Doctrine refers to a Soviet-era principle regarding which of the following?
A)the right to build an arsenal of nuclear arms
B)"New Thinking"
C)the right to intervene if communism is threatened in a Communist state
D)economic and political reform
Which of these conditions in the Soviet Union did NOT lead to the appointment of Mikhail Gorbachev?
A)years of inefficient central planning
B)a lack of incentives for collective farmers
C)corruption in the ruling class
D)the breakaway of Soviet republics
Which of the following was a result of the conversion from a socialist to a free-market economy in the new Russia?
A)a decrease in organized crime
B)the formation of independent republics
C)the resignation of Mikhail Gorbachev
D)economic hardships and social disarray
How did the revolution against Communist rule begin in Poland?
A)Lech Walesa took over the Polish government in a violent battle.
B)Solidarity led by Lech Walesa demanded change.
C)Václav Havel organized mass demonstrations.
D)The army refused to cooperate with the leaders.
How did the Communist government collapse in East Germany?
A)East Germans fled their country.
B)Erich Honecker's policies sparked a violent rebellion.
C)Mass demonstrations led to the opening of the East-West German border.
D)The East Germans rioted to become reunited with West Germany.
Which of these was NOT a part of the former Yugoslavia?
The European Community (EC) was chiefly which of these?
A)economic union
B)political alliance
C)defensive alliance
D)socialist union
Which is NOT one of the policies the French Socialist government initiated to mend the ailing French economy of the 1970s?
A)increasing the minimum wage
B)raising taxes for the rich
C)nationalizing some industries
D)lengthening the work week
Which U.S. president was defeated in his re-election bid in part because of a long-running hostage crisis?
A)Richard Nixon
B)Jimmy Carter
C)Ronald Reagan
D)Bill Clinton
Technological and scientific advances that have created a global society are also criticized for _____.
A)creating change too quickly
B)encouraging people to manipulate the environment
C)causing harm to the environment
D)producing abundant crops
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