Glencoe World History © 2012 Georgia Edition

Chapter 30: Africa and the Middle East, 1945 - Present

Student Web Activity

Nelson Mandela

During his 27 years in prison, Nelson Mandela became a symbol of resistance to racial oppression and injustice. He emerged to become the leader of post-apartheid South Africa. In this activity you will read about the many struggles of his life.

Destination Title: Nelson Mandela Foundation

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  1. From the home page, click on "Memory" near the top of the screen.
  2. Then click on "Biography" listed on the right.
  3. Read the information provided. Take notes as you go.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions.

What was Mandela's father's position? How did Mandela’s life change when his father passed away?
How did the ANC Youth League respond to the apartheid policies of the National Party?
What did Mandela do to fight apartheid in 1952?
What was the secret military arm of the ANC that Mandela led?
Based on what you have learned about Nelson Mandela in your textbook and on the Web site, write three entries in an imaginary diary of Mandela. Choose different stages of his life, and include details gathered through your research.
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