Culinary Essentials ©2010Chapter 10:
Knives and SmallwaresCheck Your Answers: After You ReadSection 10.1Review Key Concepts1. A boning knife is used to remove bones from meat, fish, and poultry, and to trim fat from meat.2. Dice, julienne, batonnet, and brunoise. To dice, a chef's knife is used to cut food into √8 − 5/8 inch cubes. Julienne cuts are √8 -inch thick matchstick-shaped cuts. Batonnet cuts are √4 -inch matchstick-shaped cuts. Batonnet and julienne cuts are done prior to dicing. Brunoise cuts are √8 -inch thick cubes. 3. To safely store knives, the storage medium must hold knives in place and keep blades protected. Three common types of knife storage are slotted knife holders, knife kits, and custom drawers. Slotted knife holders should be hung on a wall. Practice Culinary Academics4. Science The cinnamon coating should transfer to the knife and then to the clean piece of cheese. This is a visual representation of cross-contamination. This activity should reinforce the importance of keeping knives sanitary.5. Mathematics The stack is 2 √4 inches tall. A medium dice will create a cube that is 3/8 inches on each side. Therefore, a stack of six of these cubes will equal 6/1 × 3/8 = 18/8 = 9/4 = 2 √4 inches.
Section 10.2Review Key Concepts1. Kitchen tools for a professional kitchen must be well constructed, comfortable to hold, and safe. Ideally, the tools will be certified by NSF International.2. Aluminum cookware is lightweight, inexpensive, and rust-free. Aluminum is fairly heat efficient. Stainless steel is also virtually rust-free, but is a poor and uneven heat conductor. Practice Culinary Academics3. English Language Arts Choose foods available in the food labs for demonstration. Demonstrations should be clear and easy to follow for the audience. Show and describe the use of the object as well as present any important cleaning, storage, and safety tips for the items your audience will use.4. Social Studies Explain the program you have chosen and connect it to the foodservice industry. For example, NSF International offers safety audits to produce vendors. 5. Mathematics 6/1 ÷ 3/16, which is 6/1 × 16/3 = 96/3, which reduces to 32. You will get 32 slices.  |