Culinary Essentials ©2010Chapter 12:
Creating MenusCheck Your Answers: After You ReadSection 12.1Review Key Concepts1. The location of a restaurant can impact the types of ingredients available. In addition, the culture of the area and ethnicity can affect the types of foods that are popular in the area. A cycle menu is used for a set period of time. At the end of the period, the menu repeats daily dishes in the same order. Cycle menus are often found in institutions that serve the same people day after day.Practice Culinary Academics3. Social Studies You may find that certain areas have similar types of businesses that indicate a certain ethnicity or type of person is heavily located in that area. Speaking to older residents may allow you to guess at how the culture has changed. Perhaps businesses catering to a certain population have been replaced by businesses for new populations. This exercise should show you how the local businesses can give them information about the culture of an area or neighborhood.4. English Language Arts Plans should be formatted in a manner appropriate to a business communication. They should contain a brief evaluation of each of the seven factors listed in the section that influence menus. The evaluations should reflect the advice in the book and should be consistent with their imagined restaurant and the characteristics of the area. 5. Mathematics The ratio of prix fixe to à la carte is 500/3,500, which can be reduced to √7. There was a total of 500 + 3,500 = 4,000 dinners, so the fraction of prix fixe customers is 500/4,000, which can be reduced to √8.
Section 12.2Review Key Concepts1. When planning which foods make a good combination on the plate, think about the following: 1) Placement: Visualize how each element will appear on the plate and how it will be presented to the customer; 2) Serving size: Do the portions appear too small or too large on the plate? 3) Proportion: Is the ratio of one food to another and to the plate pleasing to the eye? 4) Number of foods on a plate: Odd numbers of items are more appealing than even numbers.2. In the spoken menu format, after a customer is seated, a server states what foods are available and the prices of each. In some restaurants that have a printed menu, daily specials are presented as a spoken menu. 3. Hot entrées are main dishes that usually include meat, poultry, fish, or seafood. They also can include casseroles and other extenders or hot vegetarian dishes. Practice Culinary Academics4. English Language Arts Be descriptive and use detail to help the reader picture the restaurant, its atmosphere, its style, and the food it would serve. The menu items should match the restaurant's theme.5. Mathematics For entrées, 40/100 = 4/10 = 2/5 are vegetarian. For appetizers, 62.5 should first be converted into the improper fraction 125/2. Multiplying 125/2 by 1/100 yields 125/200, which can be reduced to 5/8.
Section 12.3Review Key Concepts1. The cost of living is higher in some locations than others. In locations where people have more disposable income, restaurants can usually have higher menu prices.2. To find the selling price using the markup-on cost method, take the food cost of the item and divide it by the desired food cost percent. Practice Culinary Academics3. English Language Arts The business reports should be professional in tone, and care should be taken with spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The format should be appropriate to a business communication. Assess the character of the surrounding community and logically relate it to pricing based on the type of customers and amount of money they might reasonably be able to spend.4. Social Studies Locate articles about how the price of different food items is being affected either by weather events, political events, or other factors that might increase or decrease the cost. The cost of an ingredient will affect the price of the dish. Foodservice establishment operators may choose not to include items that use ingredients whose price has increased or they may need to increase the price of those dishes. 5. Mathematics The price should be $5.97. Using the markup-on-cost method yields $2.09 ÷ 0.35 = $5.971429, which is rounded to $5.97.  |