Culinary Essentials ©2010Chapter 16:
Seasoning and FlavoringsChapter SummarySeasonings and flavorings are used to enhance the natural flavor of a food. Spices and flavorings can be added to foods at any time during the cooking process. Certain forms of foods require that seasonings be added at a specific time. The most common seasonings are herbs and spices. Foodservice professionals must know the flavor, aroma, and effects on food of herbs and spices to use them effectively. Other seasonings and flavorings include condiments and nuts. Condiments are flavored sauces that are served with food. Nuts add color, texture, and flavor to food. You should evaluate color, appearance, flavor, and texture of food to determine how each one will affect the senses. Foodservice professionals taste a variety of food products to evaluate, or analyze, their characteristics.  |