Glencoe Health ©2011

Chapter 18: The Life Cycle Continues

Student Web Activities Lesson 3: Health Through the Life Cycle

In this lesson, you learned about many of the physical and mental changes that adults go through from the age of 40 on up. You also learned about some of the health concerns that affect many older adults. One problem that affects many older adults is minor memory lapses, such as forgetting names or appointments. More serious memory loss, however, may be a sign of a brain disorder called Alzheimer's disease, which affects nearly 5 million Americans over the age of 65. At this Web site, you can learn more about Alzheimer's and what you can do to minimize your risk of this devastating illness.

Links to Explore:
Alzheimer's Association: What Is Alzheimer's?


  • Click on the link and read the " What Is Alzheimer's?" page.
  • Answer the following questions:
    • Symptoms
    • Causes and Risk Factors
    • Stages
    • Myths
    • Facts and Figures
  • After you have read the information, answer the following questions:

Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia. Define dementia.
How long do most people diagnosed with Alzheimer's live?
What is the greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer's?
How can people reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer's?
What drugs do doctors most often use to stop the progress of Alzheimer's?
An older relative confides to you that she is afraid she may be developing Alzheimer's because she has trouble remembering people's names and she often misplaces things like her keys or her wallet. Are symptoms like these warning signs of Alzheimer's?
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