Glencoe Health ©2011

Unit 7: Drugs

Unit 7: Drugs

Students Against Destructive Decisions, or SADD, was originally founded in 1981 as Students Against Driving Drunk. Its mission at that time was to encourage young people to say no to drinking and driving. Today, that mission has expanded. SADD aims to help young people say no to all kinds of harmful behaviors, such as underage drinking, drug use, violence, and suicide. Through SADD, young people educate their peers about the risks of underage drinking and other harmful decisions.

Link to explore:
Students Against Destructive Decisions


  • Go to the SADD home page and click on “About SADD” at the top of the page.
  • Use the menu at the left of the page, to explore the sections labeled “History of SADD,” “Value of SADD,” “SADD by Numbers,” and “FAQs.”
  • After reading through all these sections of the site, answer the following questions:

In what year did SADD change its name, and what prompted the change?
What age groups do SADD programs target?
Identify the four main types of risk factors identified by SADD that increase vulnerability to substance abuse, and give one example of a risk factor from each category.
How many SADD chapters exist in middle schools, high schools, and colleges?
What percentage of all students are members of SADD?
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