1 |  |  __________________ refers to something new, new things, and to new ways of behaving and interacting with things. |
|  | A) | Adoption |
|  | B) | Diffusion |
|  | C) | Innovation |
|  | D) | Trends |
|  | E) | Testing |
2 |  |  Being the first firm to market a product successfully in an emerging market often leads to what is called the _____________________. |
|  | A) | Relative advantage |
|  | B) | Pioneering advantage |
|  | C) | Comparative advantage |
|  | D) | Success advantage |
|  | E) | Win-Win advantage |
3 |  |  The __________________ of an innovation refers to the extent to which the innovation is consistent with present needs, motives, values, beliefs, and behaviors. |
|  | A) | complexity |
|  | B) | adoption process |
|  | C) | consumption paradigms |
|  | D) | compatibility |
|  | E) | dynamics |
4 |  |  _______________________ or consumers' ability to try out an innovation without incurring risk to valued resources (financial, esteem, status, time, information), is another factor critical to successful diffusion of innovations. |
|  | A) | Trialability |
|  | B) | Observability |
|  | C) | Complexity |
|  | D) | Plausibility |
|  | E) | Liability |
5 |  |  The ________________ refers to the spread of an innovation from its creative source across space and time. |
|  | A) | flow process |
|  | B) | diffusion process |
|  | C) | distribution process |
|  | D) | channeling process |
|  | E) | word-of-mouth process |
6 |  |  By ___________________, we mean a preference for existing, familiar products, and behaviors over novel ones. |
|  | A) | continuous innovations |
|  | B) | discontinuance |
|  | C) | innovation resistance |
|  | D) | discontinuous innovations |
|  | E) | dynamically continuous innovations |
7 |  |  The notion of _________________________ reflects the human desire for balance, order, and consistency between beliefs and behaviors. |
|  | A) | social equilibrium |
|  | B) | pro-innovation bias |
|  | C) | neighborhood effect |
|  | D) | psychological equilibrium |
|  | E) | discontinuence |
8 |  |  By ______________________ we mean we mean that the consumer stops purchasing or using the product. |
|  | A) | bandwagon effects |
|  | B) | consumption paradigms |
|  | C) | multi-step media flow |
|  | D) | discontinuance |
|  | E) | cultural production system |
9 |  |  The rate of new-product introduction is also influenced by factors such as ___________________, the distribution and number of consumers who desire and can afford a product. |
|  | A) | positive externality |
|  | B) | demand density |
|  | C) | psychological equilibrium |
|  | D) | social equilibrium |
|  | E) | technological visability |
10 |  |  According to the _________________________ status rivalry between social groups acts as a kind of engine or motive force for innovation. |
|  | A) | two-step flow model |
|  | B) | diffusion of innovation theory |
|  | C) | trickle-down theory of innovation |
|  | D) | differentiation and embrace model |
|  | E) | simultaneous adoption theory |
11 |  |  A ________________________ is a set of individuals and organizations responsible for creating and marketing culturally significant products. |
|  | A) | cultural production system |
|  | B) | creative subsystem |
|  | C) | communication subsystem |
|  | D) | two-step flow model |
|  | E) | managerial subsystem |
12 |  |  The _____________________ focuses on the stages individual consumers or organizational buying units pass through in making a decision to accept or reject an innovation. |
|  | A) | discontinuous innovation |
|  | B) | consumption paradigm |
|  | C) | product complementarity |
|  | D) | adoption process |
|  | E) | theory of reasoned action |
13 |  |  _________________ are users whose current needs become general in a market in the future. |
|  | A) | Laggards |
|  | B) | Adopters |
|  | C) | Innovators |
|  | D) | Lead users |
|  | E) | Early adopters |
14 |  |  Early adopters typically constitute between ________________ of adopters. |
|  | A) | 5 - 10 % |
|  | B) | 10 - 20 % |
|  | C) | 15 - 20 % |
|  | D) | 20 - 25 % |
|  | E) | 25 - 30 % |
15 |  |  The ________________ is often characterized as deliberative decision-makers. |
|  | A) | later majority |
|  | B) | laggards |
|  | C) | early majority |
|  | D) | innovators |
|  | E) | adopters |