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Key Terms
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aesthetics  The philosophical study of the nature of art and beauty. The term might also apply to the philosophy of art or "aesthetic" of an individual, group, or movement.
form  The visual or formal qualities of an artwork; specifically the work's elements (line, color, shape, space, texture) and their arrangement or composition.
formalism  The approach to art that focuses on the sensuous appreciation of the visual or "formal" qualities of an artwork such as its line, shape, color, texture, and composition.
content  The driving force and reason behind the form and subject matter of an artwork; the feelings, thoughts, and meanings embodied in the work.
context  The physical, social, and cultural background or setting of a work of art.
contextualism  An approach to the understanding of art that centers on the study of art "in context," that is, in relation to the rest of life. Contextualism emphasizes the study of everything that surrounds and relates to the work of art: the viewer; the artist; the physical setting of the work; and the art, culture, and society that gave birth to it.

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