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Chapter 4 Fill in the Blank Quiz
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The bronze cathedral door panel, Adam and Eve Reproached by the Lord, is an example of which way of seeing?

The Adam and Eve panel is the product of the medieval European sociocultural system known as .

Bellini's Saint Francis in the Wilderness exemplifies which way of seeing?

The Renaissance philosophy and way of seeing that places the human individual at the center of its value system is .

The 1986 postcard of Mabry Mill on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia is an example of which way of seeing? .

Sandby's 1791 watercolor, Landscape with Waterfall, is an example of which way of seeing?

Fan Kuan's Travelers amid Mountains and Stream is a masterpiece of which traditional way of seeing?

Church's painting Niagara is an example of the romantic .

Equating beauty and a healthy natural environment is a manifestation of what recent way of seeing nature?

The impressive photos of the earth from the moon bring together advanced technology and the sublime.

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