Evaluating Body Weight and Body Composition (p. 238 in your text) Internet Activity 11-1 Determining Body Mass Index Determine your current BMI, and describe online weight management resources.
In Focus box: Diabetes (p. 241 in your text) Internet Activity 11-2 Lifestyle Management of Diabetes(WW) Research how diet and exercise can be used to manage diabetes, and identify
some of the ways you would have to change your lifestyle if you were diagnosed
with diabetes.
Weight-Loss Programs (p. 249 in your text) Internet Activity 11-3 Evaluating Online Weight-Loss Programs Eating Disorders (p. 252 in your text) Internet Activity 11-4 Body Image/Eating Disorders Assess your current body image, and locate resources for preventing the development
of eating disorders or for helping a friend or family member who has an eating
disorder. (WW) indicates an activity that is also found in the Wellness Worksheets.