| Contemporary's GED Language Arts, Reading John M. Reier
Web LinksThe following links contain information about reading and understanding the language of poetry.
When you have finished all the activities in Chapter 7, go on to Chapter 8.
Literary Analysis: Terms
Scroll down to the section called "Poetry." This site provides a list of terms that define the various elements related to the analysis of poetry. |
| | | Critical Analysis of Poetry
This site provides a guide for analyzing poetry. It includes information of how to analyze the following elements:
use of imagery
key statements
sound of words
use of language
reference to other works
how the reader relates
historical placement
ideology or "world-view"
Activity: Go to the Listening Booth (first link below) and choose a poem that is interesting to you. Read it. Then go to the Poetry Guidelines site (second link below) and follow the directions for analyzing the poem. Finally, follow the guidelines for writing and revising a poem on a similar topic.
| Listening Booth
This site provides a links to poems by well-known American poets. To read the poem, click on its title. To hear it, click on the speaker icon. | | | | Poetry Guidelines: Reading and Writing for Understanding
This site provides guidelines for reading and analyzing poetry. It also provides step-by-step instructions for writing and revising your own poems. |