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Self-Assessment: Do you have a Guanxi orientation?
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Activity: Do you have a Guanxi orientation?

The source of this scale is: S. H. Ang and S. M. Leong, "Out of the Mouth of Babes: Business Ethics and Youths in Asia," Journal of Business Ethics 28 (2000), 129-144

Guanxi, which is translated as interpersonal connections, is an important element of doing business in China and some other Asian countries with strong Confucian cultural values. Guanxi is based on traditional Confucian values of helping others without expecting future repayment.
      This instrument estimates your guanxi orientation; that is, the extent to which you accept and apply guanxi values. Read each statement in this self-assessment and indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement. This instrument has 9 statements.

In business, it is important to maintain a good network of relationships.
Doing business involves knowing the right people.
Developing the right contacts helps in the smooth running of a business.
One must always build and maintain social relationships with others in case their services are needed in the future.
Being in the "inside" circle helps in obtaining preferential treatments.
Returning favor for favor is part of doing business.
Gift giving is an important feature when we want business to succeed.
Maintaining a good relationship is the best way to enhance business.
Frequent cooperation reduces problems in business relationships.

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