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Self-Assessment: Needs-Strength questionnaire
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Activity: Needs-Strength questionaire

The source of this scale is: Adapted from instruments described and/or presented in L. R. Goldberg, J. A. Johnson, H. W. Eber, R. Hogan, M. C. Ashton, C. R. Cloninger, and H. C. Gough, "The International Personality Item Pool and the Future of Public-Domain Personality Measures," Journal of Research in Personality 40 (2006), pp. 84–96; H. J. Martin, "A Revised Measure of Approval Motivation and Its Relationship to Social Desirability," Journal of Personality Assessment 48 (1984), pp. 508–519.

Although everyone has the same innate drives, secondary or learned needs vary from one person to the next in the same situation. This self-assessment provides an estimate of your needs strength on selected secondary needs. Read each of the statements below and check the response that you believe best reflects your position regarding each statement.

I would rather be myself than be well thought of.
I'm the type of person who never gives up.
When the opportunity occurs, I want to be in charge.
I try not to say things that others don’t like to hear.
I find it difficult to talk about my ideas if they are contrary to group opinion.
I tend to take control of things.
I am not highly motivated to succeed.
I usually disagree with others only if I know my friends will back me up.
I try to be the very best at what I do.
I seldom make excuses or apologize for my behaviour.
If anyone criticizes me, I can take it.
I try to outdo others.
I seldom change my opinion when people disagree with me.
I try to achieve more than what others have accomplished.
To get along and be liked, I tend to be what people expect me to be.

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