Site MapHelpFeedbackSelf-Assessment: What team roles do you prefer?
Self-Assessment: What team roles do you prefer?
(See related pages)

Activity: What team roles do you prefer?

The source of this scale is: © Steven L. McShane

This self-assessment is designed to help you to identify your preferred roles in meetings and similar team activities. Some roles helps focus the team on its objectives, such as giving and seeking information, elaborating ideas, coordinating activities, and summarizing the discussion or past events.
      Read each statement in this self-assessment and indicate the extent to which the statement describes you.

I usually take responsibility for getting the team to agree on what the meeting should accomplish.
I tend to summarize to other team members what the team has accomplished so far.
I'm usually the person who helps other team members overcome their disagreements..
I try to ensure that everyone gets heard on issues.
I'm usually the person who helps the team determine how to organize the discussion.
I praise other team members for their ideas more than do others in the meetings.
People tend to rely on me to keep track of what has been said in meetings.
The team typically counts on me to prevent debates from getting out of hand..
I tend to say things that make the group feel optimistic about its accomplishments.
Team members usually count on me to give everyone a chance to speak..
In most meetings, I am less likely than others to "put down" the ideas of team mates.
I actively help team mates to resolve their differences in meetings. .
I actively encourage quiet team members to describe their ideas on each issue..
People tend to rely on me to clarify the purpose of the meeting.
I like to be the person who takes notes or minutes of the meeting..

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