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Study/Lecture Outline
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Study/Lecture Outline - make your own notes

I. The Model of Communication

  1. Influences on effective encoding and decoding (4)

II. Communication Channels (3)

  1. Verbal communication
  2. Internet-based communication
    1. Problems with email (4)
    2. Workplace communication via social media
  3. Nonverbal communication
    1. Emotional contagion (3 functions)

III. Choosing the Best Communication Medium

  1. Social acceptance
  2. Media richness
  3. Exceptions to media richness theory (3 factors)
  4. Communication channels & persuasion

IV. Communication Barriers ( 3)

  1. Information overload

V. Cross-Cultural and Gender Communication

  1. Nonverbal differences
  2. Gender differences

VI. Improving Interpersonal Communication

  1. Getting your message across (4 suggestions)
  2. Active listening process (3 components)

VII. Improving Communicating Throughout the Hierarchy

VIII. Communicating Through the Grapevine

  1. Characteristics,
  2. Benefits, and limitations

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