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What's Important
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What’s Important and What to Watch out for

In general terms, you should be on high alert for the entire content of this chapter. More than just about anything contained in this text, communication is what students take for granted (maybe because you’ve been doing it most of your life). I can hear the complaint now; “I’m studying to be an accountant, and I know how to communicate, so why do I need to learn about it?” That’s an excellent point. You have been communicating for a long time, but how well do you do it? More importantly, we often get in trouble not just for what we do, but how we communicate. Therefore, we could all improve the way we communicate (me included). Now that we’ve dealt with that common complaint, Let’s look at some of the common pitfalls – things to watch out for in this chapter.

First, effective communication doesn’t occur unless the message conveyed has been understood, and the sender gets confirmation of it. That may seem basic, except on exams when you forget those last steps. You know that effective communication is vital, if not at least preferable. Do you know the four functions it serves? Find out; the answer is tucked away in the first few pages. It is easily missed, just as the three benefits of direct communication (with top management) are near the end of the chapter.

Second, as you read and study this chapter try and anticipate questions. By now you know this, but here are a few examples to get you started. Ask yourself, “In what way does nonverbal communication differ from verbal communication?” You might also ask, “What three purposes does emotional contagion serve?” One thing to remember is, if your prof is fond of scenario or case-based questions, he/she will want specifics, and this is where you might experience difficulties. For example, if the issue is barriers to communication, you need to zero in on a specific one, and if asked, provide suggestions from the improving interpersonal communication section to deal with the barrier.

Lastly, there is a section at the end of the chapter dealing with grapevine communication. This is not simply the rumour mill, albeit some rumours do spread through this network. Learn its characteristics, benefits and disadvantages. So, what should management do about the grapevine? The answer students give is often incorrect. See the last page just before the summary for the correct answer.

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