Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)AP* Achiever for World History: Advanced Placement Exam Prep GuideYou've set high standards for yourself. Focused goals. And we're here to help you achieve them. Unlike most other AP* exam prep guides, AP* Achiever is uniquely tied to the market-leading college text and supporting online resources. By utilizing these resources together, achieving a "5" on the AP* exam becomes a reality. AP* Achiever is an Advanced Placement* exam preparation guide with advice and tips from experienced AP* exam contributors and readers. They offer more support than any other prep guide. There are two complete timed practice exams with detailed answers and model essays. The guide is works together with the core text Traditions and Encounters to provide your students with: - An introduction the World History Advanced Placement Course and Exam.
- Each chapter includes a "Before you Begin" section that discusses the key points in the chapter for the AP Exam, detailed chapter reviews, and a "Now That You Have Finished" section that checks for chapter comprehension.
- Two levels of multiple-choice questions and Document-based questions are also included in each chapter. "Change/Continuity over Time" and "Comparative" essay questions are included in appropriate sections.
- The Essays section provides model essays as well as ideas about how to approach, plan and organize each essay. A thorough analysis of the Comparative essay, Change/Continuity Over Time essay, and the Document-based Question essay is also provided.
- Two complete practice exams parallel the Advanced Placement World History. Each practice exam includes answers, thorough explanations and sample essays.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
* AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse these products.  |