Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)New to this EditionQuite apart from general updating of information and revision of the maps, almost every chapter of Traditions & Encounters reflects some kind of substantive change or revision, which will promote improved understanding of the world and its development through time. Chapter 1 Revised discussions of human ancestors and early Homo sapiens Chapter 2 Expanded discussion of Mesopotamian empires and revised discussion of Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews Chapter 3 Expanded discussion of gender issues in ancient Egypt Chapter 4 Revised discussion of social history in ancient India Chapter 9 Revised discussion of Indian science and mathematics and expanded discussion of early Buddhism and its social role Chapter 12 Expanded discussion of military threats to the late Roman empire and revised discussion of the early Christian church Chapter 14 Revised discussions of Islam's relationships with Judaism and Christianity and of early Islamic conquests Chapter 19 New discussion of relationships between Bantu and forest peoples Chapter 20 Expanded discussions of Norman roles in European expansion and the fourth crusade Chapter 26 Expanded discussion of African-American cultural traditions Chapter 29 Expanded discussions of the political effects of democratic revolutions and Miguel de Hidalgo Chapter 31 Expanded discussions of the Mexican-American War and of women in Latin America Chapter 34 Revised discussion of Arab nationalism and new discussions of the Armenian massacre and the influenza pandemic of 1918 Chapter 39 New discussion of women in Latin America and revised discussion of Latin American economic history Chapter 40 Revised and expanded discussion of HIV/AIDS, revised discussion of population movements, and new discussion of emerging economies In addition to introducing revisions that reflect the best recent scholarship, we have revised the entire map program and added several new features to support student learning: - Revised Map Program Fully revised and enhanced maps show more detail and include more topographical information. Maps now include newly written captions that draw attention to the geographical dimensions of historical developments.
- New Running Pronunciation Guide Newly added to the fourth edition, this guide appears along the bottom of pages and helps readers with unfamiliar names and terms.
- New Chapter Opening Design A fresh design highlights the vignettes that introduce each chapter's themes and illustrates the effects of large-scale historical developments on individual experiences.