1 | | The traditional classification of the animals divides the bilaterally symmetrical animals into three branches based on: (p .637 ) |
| | A) | multicellularity. |
| | B) | mode of nutrition. |
| | C) | type of embryological cell division. |
| | D) | type of body cavity. |
| | E) | all of the above |
2 | | Sponge cells differ from those of other animals because: (p. 638) |
| | A) | they have unique organelles called nematocysts. |
| | B) | they lack a cell wall. |
| | C) | they are able to differentiate into other cell types and to dedifferentiate. |
| | D) | the cells can exist in a solitary state. |
| | E) | a and b |
3 | | Cnidaria (jellyfish, corals, etc.) differ from other organisms because: (p. 641) |
| | A) | they have unique, specialized cells called cnidocytes. |
| | B) | some can undergo either sexual or asexual reproduction. |
| | C) | some members secrete calcareous skeletons. |
| | D) | some show bioluminescence. |
| | E) | all of the above |
4 | | The free-living flatworms (Turbellaria) are small (a few mms in length), and have flat, thin bodies. This is because: (p. 645) |
| | A) | they are limited in size because they lack a coelom. |
| | B) | of the habitat in which they occur. |
| | C) | gas exchange must be by diffusion as they lack a circulatory system. |
| | D) | a and c |
| | E) | none of the above |
5 | | The pseudocoelom: (p. 648 - 650) |
| | A) | has evolved independently in different groups. |
| | B) | acts as a hydrostatic skeleton. |
| | C) | limits body size. |
| | D) | has three chambers. |
| | E) | a and b |