Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)

Chapter 38: Transport in Plants

Post Test

What chemical property is most necessary for water to move from roots to the shoot of a plant? (p. 762)
A)Hydrogen bonding between water molecules
B)Capillary action within tracheids of plants
C)Active transport of solutes from the soil into root cells (such as root hairs)
D)Proton pumps drawing water into cells through osmosis
E)Opening and closing of stomata
The Casparian strip is a hydrophobic barrier that allows discrimination of which particles may pass through the (p. 764)
C)ground tissue.
Guttation occurs as a result of (p. 764)
A)excessive heat on a leaf surface.
B)excessive light on a leaf surface.
C)pumping of ions into roots.
D)active transport of water into leaf cells.
E)active transport of solute into vessels.
The reason guard cells bend open is because water moves in through osmosis. This is because (p. 766)
A)potassium accumulates within the cell, rendering it hypertonic.
B)chloride enters the cell, making it hypertonic.
C)proton pumps create membrane potential, which drives accumulation of osmotically active substances.
D)All of the above affect guard cell behavior.
E)Only two of the above affect guard cell behavior.
What structure on pneumatophores (a modified root) allows mangrove plants to survive in flooded regions? (p. 769)
How might a "sink" increase the amount of bulk flow of material towards itself through the phloem? (p. 770)
A)It will actively unload material across the living membrane of a phloem cell, causing more to flow in to take its place.
B)It will pump in hydrogen and sugar together in order to create a hypotonic situation within phloem cells next to it.
C)By quickly breaking down sugars in its vicinity, the "sink" will create a gradient down which new material will flow and accumulate.
D)The sink will decrease its turgor pressure, causing water potential to move new, energy rich material to take its place.
E)Stomata in the sink will open and draw in new, fresh photosynthate to take its place.
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