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Of the following psychologists, which would most likely be involved in helping managers improve their supervisory style?
A)a human factors psychologist
B)an industrial-organizational psychologist
C)a health psychologist
D)an environmental psychologist

Which employee selection method is the least useful for predicting future job performance?
A)administering objective personality tests
B)administering intelligence tests
C)using an unstructured interview to screen the employee
D)using a structured interview to screen the employee

In terms of personality variables, which variable has been proven to be predictive of good job performance?

In terms of job satisfaction and productivity, which is true?
A)Employees who rate high in job satisfaction have high rates of productivity.
B)Job satisfaction is not directly related to the performance of the organization as a whole, but does increase individual productivity.
C)Job satisfaction and productivity are not related.
D)Employees who rate high in both job satisfaction and happiness have higher rates of productivity.

The most effective managers
A)treat employees courteously and kindly.
B)take an active lead in all decision making.
C)work hard to increase employee pay.
D)don't meddle or supervise employees too closely.

In the Eagly and Johnson studies, it was noted that females in leadership roles are
A)less task-oriented than men.
B)more efficient then men.
C)more authoritarian than men.
D)more democratic than men.

In studies of the entrepreneur, which is not one of the characteristics noted to contribute to the successful launching of a new business?
A)Successful entrepreneurs spend a lot of time reflecting on earlier mistakes.
B)Successful entrepreneurs have excellent social skills.
C)Successful entrepreneurs tend to be physically attractive.
D)Successful entrepreneurs move forward and get on with the job at hand.

A psychologist who studies the design of machines that people use every day is most likely
A)an industrial-organizational psychologist.
B)an environmental psychologist.
C)a human factors psychologist.
D)a forensic psychologist.

Research investigating the effectiveness of offering employee health programs has revealed that
A)keeping employees healthy significantly increases employer profit.
B)the skyrocketing cost of health programs vastly outweighs the benefits.
C)investing in employee health is generally not effective at reducing rates of illness.
D)employees receiving insurance benefits abuse the benefit because they see those benefits as "free."

In which activity would you most likely find an environmental psychologist?
A)a rally protesting the logging of trees on the Northwest coast
B)a study of the wall colors in offices and employee productivity
C)the design of adaptive devices that meet the needs of a growing elderly population
D)the selection of jurors for a criminal trial

According to environmental psychologists, which type of office design would produce the most satisfying work environment?
A)an office set up that encourages a lot of human interaction
B)an office set up that is totally private
C)an office set up that is somewhat private yet allows for moderate interaction
D)an office set up that is open-landscaped and not private

Of the following defendants, who is more likely to be convicted, regardless of the facts in the case?
A)a wealthy defendant
B)a poor defendant
C)a white defendant
D)an attractive defendant

Of the following jurors, who is most likely to convict a defendant, despite facts to the contrary?
A)a politically liberal juror
B)a young juror
C)a black juror
D)a well-educated juror

According to Benjamin Bloom, traditional school instruction
A)forces slower students to move on before they are ready.
B)is boring and non-motivating for most students.
C)lowers achievement levels for all students.
D)employs harsh and punitive disciplinary tactics.

In which task would you be least likely to find an educational psychologist?
A)the development of intelligence tests
B)the design of classroom curriculum for economically disadvantaged students
C)the design of methods for mainstreaming persons with special needs
D)the counseling of students with emotional difficulties

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