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Critical Thinking
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Each chapter closes with Critical Thinking Questions (listed below) as a review of chapter material that focuses on the role of the medical assistant.

1. A 16-year-old male has been diagnosed with mononucleosis. The doctor has asked you to explain changes within his diet that will speed up his recovery. His symptoms are fever, fatigue, and sore throat. What will you tell his mother about his new dietary needs?

2. A diabetic patient works as an office manager. She usually works through lunch and grabs fast food on the way home because she is too hungry to wait to cook a full meal. What can you tell her about her dietary habits? What can she do to ensure that her blood sugar levels are more stable?

3. A 63-year-old male goes to his doctor for a checkup. His patient history reveals that he has been obese for 8 years. At his last visit four months earlier, his blood pressure was 150/100. He is a heavy smoker with a desk job. His only hobby is watching sports on television. He admits that he is not following the diet you gave him four months ago. His only complaint is that he is tired a lot. His blood pressure is 160/110 today. What chronic disease is suggested by your intake information? What dietary and lifestyle habits does he need to change to lower his blood pressure?

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