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Chapter Outline
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  1. Overview of Post-Freudian Theory
  2. Biography of Erik Erikson
  3. The Ego in Post-Freudian Theory
    1. Society's Influence
    2. Epigenetic Principle
  4. Stages of Psychosocial Development
    1. Infancy
      1. Oral-Sensory Mode
      2. Basic Trust vs. Basic Mistrust
      3. Hope: The Basic Strength of Infancy
    2. Early Childhood
      1. Anal-Urethral-Muscular Mode
      2. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
      3. Will: The Basic Strength of Childhood
    3. Play Age
      1. Genital-Locomotor Mode
      2. Initiative vs. Guilt
      3. Purpose: The Basic Strength of the Play Age
    4. School Age
      1. Latency
      2. Industry vs. Inferiority
      3. Competence: The Basic Strength of the
    5. Adolescence
      1. Puberty
      2. Identity vs. Identity Confusion
      3. Fidelity: The Basic Strength of Adolescence
    6. Young Adulthood
      1. Genitality
      2. Intimacy vs. Isolation
      3. Love: The Basic Strength of Young
    7. Adulthood
      1. Procreativity
      2. Generativity vs. Stagnation
      3. Care: The Basic Strength of Adulthood
    8. Old Age
      1. Generalized Sensuality
      2. Integrity vs. Despair
      3. Wisdom: The Basic Strength of Old Age
    9. Summary of the Life Cycle
  5. Erikson's Methods of Investigation
    1. Anthropological Studies
    2. Psychohistory
  6. Related Research
    1. Generativity and Life Changes
    2. Generativity and Parenting
  7. Critique of Erikson
  8. Concept of Humanity
  9. Key Terms and Concepts

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