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Media Observations
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  1. Uniform Crime Reports. The entire Uniform Crime Reports can be found on the Web at, and it can be either downloaded or printed out.

  2. Self-Reported Crime. This article is a comprehensive look at the issues with using self-reported data: J. Junger-Tas and Haen Marshall, "The Self-Report Methodology in Crime Research," Crime and Justice 25 (1999): 291-367.

  3. NIBRS and Elderly Victimization. Addressing the limited information available on the elderly and victimization, the authors of this article developed a model using NIBRS data to show that the elderly have a higher risk of death from assault than younger people. L. D. Chu and Jess F. Kraus, "Predicting Fatal Assault Among the Elderly Using the National Incident-Based Reporting System Crime Data," Homicide Studies 8,2 (2004): 71-95; Kimberly A. McCabe and Sharon S. Gregory, "Elderly Victimization: An Examination Beyond the FBI's Index Crimes," Research on Aging, Vol. 20 (May 1998), pp. 363-373.

  4. National Crime Victimization Survey. Visit the Web site See also M. R. Rand and Callie M. Rennison, "True Crime Stories? Accounting for Differences in Our National Crime Indicators," Chance 15,1 (2002): 47-51. This article examines the differences between the UCR and NCVS programs.

  5. Campus Crime. Schools receiving federal funds were required to post tallies of alleged homicides, rapes, assaults, arson, hate crimes, burglaries, liquor law violations, and drug arrests with the U.S. Department of Education. Colleges filing false reports face a $25,000 fine for each misreported figure. Students can view these figures on the Education department's Web site For further information regarding the Campus Security Act (later renamed the Jeanne Clery Act) and other campus safety issues, visit the Web site The site is run by a non-profit organization started by the parents of Jeanne Clery, for whom the campus safety law is named.

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