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The Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) Program is one of several programs operated under the authority of the National Institute of Justice. Locate the NIJ Web site at, then go to ADAM. Explore the information on the site, starting with the activities given below.
  1. Find the map of the ADAM site locations, and click on the site closest to your university or hometown. Read the most recent news release. What does it say about drug use preferences in your area? What is the drug of choice among arrestees at your site? How is drug use at your site similar to and/or different from drug use at other sites around the country? How do males and females compare in terms of drug use? How do juveniles and adults compare?
  2. Go back to the NIJ programs page and explore some of the other programs such as the Crime Mapping Research Center and the National Commission on the Future of DNA evidence. Also, look at the International Center for information about global crime and criminal justice issues.
In recent years, doctors, nurses, and others working in the medical field have taken an increasing interest in certain aspects of crime and violence. The medical community has come to define violence not only as a criminal/legal issue, but also as a public health issues. Medical associations and organizations are now heavily involved in violence research, data collection, and publication of violence related reports. The studies conducted by medical researchers provide an alternative source of information to persons interested in the problem of violence in our society. This information, presented from the perspective of medical professionals, provides a look at crime and violence that is unfamiliar to most criminologists and criminal justice researchers. Examine the Web sites of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at and the American Medical Association at to find data, reports and other information about crime and violence.

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