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The Anatomy of Small Groups
(See related pages)

Pros and Cons of Groups
  1. Group Size
  2. Support from Groups
  3. Synergy
  4. Social Loafing
  5. Meetings
  6. Box 12-1 Sharper Focus A Sample Agenda for Group Meetings
The Structure of Small Groups
  1. Task and Social Dimensions
  2. Norms
  3. Box 12-2 Focus on Controversy Crying in the Workplace
  4. Roles
  5. Box 12-3 Sharper Focus Dealing with Difficult Group Members
  1. Definition of Leadership
  2. Leader Emergence
  3. Effective Leadership
  4. Box 12-4 Focus on Controversy Gender and Ethnicity: The Glass Ceiling and the Brick Wall
  5. Box 12-5 Sharper Focus "Chainsaw Al" Dunlap and Aaron Feuerstein: The Challenge of Ethical Leadership
Quizzes Without Consequences
Key Terms
Suggested Readings
Film School

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