If the McGraw-Hill textbook you are using for your course is available in
eBook format, the eBook feature will be available to you in your Connect course.
The eBook feature will also be available if you have Connect
Plus access. If the book you are using is published by McGraw-Hill Irwin (Business
and Economics) then please follow this section for help on the eBook. (10.0K)
Clicking the eBook button will open a new window showing the
complete eBook content by default.
Clicking eBook Link will open a new window showing only the
eBook resources related to the question by default. You can look at different
resources by clicking the topics, which usually are sections from chapters.
For example, “The Business Population.” (2.0K)
Either way, you can switch between viewing the complete eBook and viewing the
question-related eBook resources by clicking the Resource tab
or the Content tab. Using the eBook (57.0K)
After you open the eBook, you can: - Navigate through chapters by using the chapter pull-down
- Browse sections within a chapter by clicking any of the
section titles.
- Navigate through sections by using the Previous
Section or the Next Section navigation links
at the bottom.
- Search eBook content by keywords.
- Go to a specific page by entering a textbook page number.
- Increase or decrease the font size by using (0.0K) .
- Print the content on the current page.