Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 13:
Endocrine SystemLearning Outcomes13.1 Introduction 1 Distinguish between endocrine and exocrine glands. 13.2 General Characteristics of the Endocrine System 2 Explain what makes a cell a target cell for a hormone. 3 List some important functions of hormones. 13.3 Hormone Action 4 Describe how hormones can be classified according to their chemical composition >nbsp; 5 Explain how steroid and nonsteroid hormones affect their target cells 13.4 Control of Hormonal Secretions 6 Discuss how negative feedback mechanisms regulate hormone secretion. 7 Explain how the nervous system controls hormone secretion. 13.5–13.10 Pituitary Gland–Other Endocrine Glands 8 Name and describe the locations of the major endocrine glands, and list the hormones that they secrete. 9 Describe the actions of the various hormones and their contributions to homeostasis. 10 Explain how the secretion of each hormone is regulated. 13.11 Stress and Its Effects 11 Distinguish between physical and psychological stress. 12 Describe the general stress response. 13.12 Life-Span Changes 13 Describe some of the changes associated with aging of the endocrine system.
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