Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 16:
Lymphatic System and ImmunityLearning Outcomes16.1 Introduction 1 Describe the general functions of the lymphatic system. 16.2 Lymphatic Pathways 2 Identify and describe the parts of the major lymphatic pathways. 16.3 Tissue Fluid and Lymph 3 Describe how tissue fluid and lymph form, and explain the function of lymph. 16.4 Lymph Movement 4 Explain how lymphatic circulation is maintained, and describe the consequence of lymphatic obstruction. 16.5 Lymph Nodes 5 Describe a lymph node and its major functions. 6 Identify the locations of the major chains of lymph nodes. 16.6 Thymus and Spleen 7 Discuss the locations and functions of the thymus and spleen. 16.7 Body Defenses Against Infection 8 Distinguish between innate (nonspecific) and adaptive (specific) defenses. 16.8 Innate (Nonspecific) Defenses 9 List seven innate body defense mechanisms, and describe the action of each mechanism. 16.9 Adaptive (Specific) Defenses or Immunity 10 Explain how two major types of lymphocytes are formed and activated and how they function in immune mechanisms. 11 Identify the parts of an antibody molecule. 12 Discuss the actions of the five types of antibodies. 13 Distinguish between primary and secondary immune responses. 14 Distinguish between active and passive immunity. 15 Explain how allergic reactions, tissue rejection reactions, and autoimmunity arise from immune mechanisms. 16.10 Life-Span Changes 16 Describe life-span changes in immunity.
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