Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 2:
Chemical Basis of LifeLearning Outcomes2.1 Introduction 1 Give examples of how the study of living materials requires an understanding of Chemistry. 2.2 Structure of Matter 2 Describe the relationships among matter, atoms, and compounds. nbsp; 3 Describe how atomic structure determines how atoms interact. 4 Explain how molecular and structural formulas symbolize the composition of compounds. 5 Describe three types of chemical reactions. 6 Describe the differences among acids, bases, and buffers. 7 Explain the pH scale. 2.3 Chemical Constituents of Cells 8 List the major groups of inorganic chemicals common in cells and explain the function(s) of each group. 9 Describe the general functions of the main classes of organic molecules in cells.
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