Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 20:
Urinary SystemLearning Outcomes20.1 Introduction 1 Name the organs of the urinary system and list their general functions. 20.2 Kidneys 2 Describe the locations of the kidneys and the structure of the kidney. 3 List the functions of the kidneys. 4 Trace the pathway of blood flow through the major vessels within a kidney. 5 Describe a nephron and explain the functions of its major parts. 20.3 Urine Formation 6 Explain how glomerular filtrate is produced and describe its composition. 7 Explain how various factors affect the rate of glomerular filtration and identify ways that this rate is regulated. 8 Explain tubular reabsorption, and its role in urine formation. 9 Identify the changes in the osmotic concentration of the glomerular filtrate as it passes through the renal tubule. 10 Explain tubular secretion, and its role in urine formation. 11 Identify the characteristics of a countercurrent mechanism, and explain its role in concentrating the urine. 12 Explain how the final composition of urine contributes to homeostasis. 20.4 Elimination of Urine 13 Describe the structures of the ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. 14 Explain how micturition occurs, and how it is controlled. 20.5 Life-Span Changes 15 Describe how the components of the urinary system change with age.
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