Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (Shier), 12th EditionChapter 3:
CellsLearning Outcomes3.1 Introduction 1 Explain how cells differ from one another. 3.2 A Composite Cell 2 Describe the general characteristics of a composite cell. 3 Explain how the components of a cell's membrane provide its functions. 4 Describe each kind of cytoplasmic organelle and explain its function. 5 Describe the cell nucleus and its parts. 3.3 Movements Into and Out of the Cell 6 Explain how substances move into and out of cells. 3.4 The Cell Cycle 7 Describe the cell cycle. 8 Explain how a cell divides. 3.5 Control of Cell Division 9 Describe several controls of cell division. 3.6 Stem and Progenitor Cells 10 Explain how stem cells and progenitor cells make possible growth and repair of tissues. 11 Explain how two differentiated cell types can have the same genetic information, but different appearances and functions. 3.7 Cell Death 12 Discuss apoptosis. 13 Describe the relationship between apoptosis and mitosis.
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