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Discussion Questions
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  1. What evidence have you seen at school or on the job of greater reliance on teams and teamwork?

  2. Which of the factors in table 11-1 is the most crucial to a successful team?

  3. Relative to effective teams, why is team viability important?

  4. In your personal friendships, how do you come to trust someone? How fragile is that trust?

  5. Why is delegation so important to building organizational trust?

  6. Why should a group leader strive for both socio-emotional and instrumental cohesiveness?

  7. Are virtual teams likely to be just a passing fad? Why or why not?

  8. Would you like to work on a self-managed team? Explain.

  9. How would you respond to a manager who said, "Why should I teach my people to manage themselves and work myself out of a job?"

  10. Have you ever been a member of a high-performing team? If so, explain the circumstances and success factors.

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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