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Internet Exercise
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Are You a Team Player?

As covered in this chapter, teams are the organizational unit of choice today. Auto companies have design and production teams. Hospitals have patient care teams. Team policing is practiced by many law enforcement agencies. Airlines have ground crew teams. Current and future managers (indeed, all employees) need to know as much as possible about teams and teamwork. The purpose of this exercise is to continue building your knowledge of workplace teams and to assess your readiness for Internet-age teamwork.

Instructive Updates on Teams and Teamwork

For interesting and useful material on teams and teamwork, go to Fast Company magazine's free online archives at and do searches for team oriented key words such as "teams," "teamwork," "virtual teams," and "self-managed teams." Alternatively, you can search the tables of contents of recent issues of Fast Company for relevant reading.

Assess Your Teamwork Readiness

Want to know how ready you are for today's team-based organizations? You can get a quick indication by completing test at Go to and in the search box on the top right type in "Team vs. Individual Orientation Test ".

Click on the "Team vs. Individual Orientation Test" link and agree to personal use only. You can then begin the test. (Note: Our use of this site is for instructional purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of any products that may or may not suit your needs. There is no obligation to buy anything.) Complete the 74-item test and read the commentary concerning the scoring for your test.

What three useful insights did you pick up from your Fast Company search? How could each of those ideas help you be a good team leader?
What are your main concerns about today's rush to adopt team-based organizations?
What are the main pros and cons of virtual teams and self managed teams?
How did you score on the teamwork quiz? Any surprises? What are the managerial implications of your scoring category?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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