|  Human Physiology, 7/e Stuart I Fox,
Pierce College
Regulation of Metabolism
Chapter ObjectivesAfter studying this chapter, students should be
able to . . .
1.State some of the factors that influence
metabolic rate and explain the significance of the basal metabolic rate and
state how the metabolic rate. |
 |  |  | 2.Distinguish between the caloric and anabolic
requirements for food, and define the terms essential amino acids and
essential fatty acids. |
 |  |  | 3.Distinguish between fat-soluble and water-soluble
vitamins and describe some of the functions of different vitamins. |
 |  |  | 4.Define the terms energy reserves
and circulating energy substrates and explain how these sources of
energy interact during anabolism and catabolism. |
 |  |  | 5.Describe the regulation of eating and discuss
the endocrine control of metabolism in general terms. |
 |  |  | 6.Describe the regulation of adipocyte development
and the roles of adipocytes in the regulation of hunger and tissue responsiveness
to insulin. |
 |  |  | 7.Describe the actions of insulin and glucagon
and explain how the secretion of these hormones is regulated. |
 |  |  | 8.Explain how insulin and glucagon regulate
metabolism during feeding and fasting. |
 |  |  | 9.Describe the symptoms of insulin-dependant
and non-insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus and explain how these conditions
are produced. |
 |  |  | 10.Describe the metabolic effects of epinephrine
and glucocorticoids. |
 |  |  | 11.Describe the effects of thyroxine on cell
respiration and explain the relationship between thyroxine levels and basal
metabolic rate. |
 |  |  | 12.Describe the symptoms of hypothyroidism
and hyperthyroidism, and explain how these conditions are produced. |
 |  |  | 13.Describe the metabolic effects of growth
hormone and explain why growth hormone and thyroxine are needed for proper
body growth. |
 |  |  | 14.Describe the actions of parathyroid hormone,
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, and calcitonin, and explain how the secretion
of these hormones is regulated. |
 |  |  | 15.Describe how 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
is produced and explain why this compound is needed to prevent osteomalacia
and rickets. |